Wednesday, May 2, 2007

View From My High Perch

It's 8:34 pm. It's the second night I've been in my new abode -- a studio apartment in a condo, on the 17th floor, in downtown Vancouver. I have great views of... more skyscrapers, in every direction. Actually, though, it's pretty spectacular. The snow-capped mountains are visible on clear days, so it's nice to just gaze out the window.

The weather changes quickly here. This morning, it was raining hard as I walked to school. By the afternoon, it was nice and sunny. In the early evening, I went for a walk along the waterfront, and by the time I got home it had started to rain. Just a few minutes ago, I saw lightning out my floor-to-ceiling bedroom window. It's really quite the vision watching dark, swirling clouds from my location in the sky.

I like my neighbourhood. It's less than 20 minutes on foot to school. There are plenty of options for eating and entertainment nearby. The waterfront is just two blocks away. I'm pretty lucky.

Anyway, I should actually spend some time this evening looking at homework. Gotta read the script for Some Like It Hot. Beyond that, I don't really know what to do yet, but at least you could do worse than have to read movie scripts for homework.

It's 8:55 pm. Until next time...

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