Sunday, April 29, 2007

Brighter Days

I've now been in Vancouver for a week. Whereas much of this past week has been rainy and dreary, Saturday was terrific. The bright sunshine afforded me the opportunity to take a BigBus tour of the city. What a difference the sunshine makes in the feeling one gets in this city. Instead of everything looking a shade of grey (as on rainy days), the colours come out. Beautiful people and expensive cars are everywhere. Vancouver is a special place, there's no doubt about that.

I'm still getting used to life here. I'm relearning little things like tipping, although it seems to me that the practice of tipping is different from what I remember: even when I eat at fast-food-type restaurants, there is a tip jar. As such, I'm not sure if I have offended any merchants by failing to leave tips when they are expected.

Tomorrow is the first day of class. The nervous excitement is starting to build once more.

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