Thursday, June 21, 2007

Time Flies

10:25 am. No school today. End of term. A siren howls down on the street, just like everyday. Seems strange because it's a great neighbourhood, but there's always a fire truck or an ambulance roaring by.

Five days off until the next term begins. The first term flew by, which usually means it was a good time. And it was. I've gotten to know my classmates much better, not only in class but outside, as well. And that pitch class that was causing me nightmares? Survived it, and even made a fine pitch of an original feature film idea. Doing so in that class, with that particular teacher... well, I won't say it was like slaying the dragon, but the metaphor lingers in my mind.

I've come to believe that I can succeed at this business of screenwriting. I don't feel as intimidated as I did at the start. We will soon begin the process of writing our feature script, and that will start a week from today when we pitch three film ideas to a panel of instructors.

As for this weekend, my buddies Terry and Kenn are coming from Ontario to hang out. If the weather is nice, I'd like to get up to the mountains, maybe to Whistler. It'll be a righteous time for three buddies who've been doing stuff together ever since the university days (just not nearly often enough).

And that's life on the left coast, exactly two months since I arrived. Time flies.

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